Revest Finance Year in Review

Revest Finance
4 min readDec 31, 2021


It’s been an amazing year for the Revest Protocol and the team at Revest Finance. Hard to believe that only six months ago, this idea was just a crazy dream of what practical applications of NFTs might be; yet here we are, with a burgeoning young enterprise and a fanatically dedicated community. We couldn’t be happier to have worked with yall this year, and we’re incredibly excited to share our vision of the future with you.

Before we begin though, let’s round out the landmark year of 2021 with a year-in-review.


The concept of Revest is born in CEO Rob Montgomery’s head. He assembles some friends into a team and begins work on a website and white paper, launching both in early-June. The Revest Team comes together.


Work begins on the Revest Protocol in earnest. With an understanding of the protocol’s desired features, both the seed raise and development of the protocol itself begin simultaneously. The core team reaches its final roster and a planned release date is set.


As the full scale of the Revest Protocol comes into focus, the release is postponed until the end of Q3 2021. Major partnerships, still unannounced, are formed. The seed raise continues and the Team enjoys new lodgings in a Colony Square office in Atlanta, GA.


Our CEO marries the woman of his dreams, and development is left for several weeks in the capable hands of Revest’s CMO. Progress towards launch continues and the unfinished UI is given a visual upgrade. The Revest Protocol Closed-Alpha opens its doors.


A breakneck pace of development proceeds launch. The seed round concludes with USD $2M raised, followed shortly by the successful launch of the Reservation Event, which sees $1M raised in the first 10 minutes. Ultimately, a total of $7M is raised by the Revest Protocol to mark the Open Beta launch of the protocol and the launch of the RVST token.

Quickly following its launch, the RVST token is listed on CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, and Vulkania. Revest’s first partnership, a marketplace developed in concern with EcoFi, is announced.


Revest takes October to aggressively develop its business interests. Five partnerships are announced in a roughly one-month period, with new business partners joining the Revest Protocol in pushing the bounds of token vesting and financial NFT applications at a rate exceeding simple weekly announcements! A thorough list of announced partners exceeds the scope of this review, but the first 6-week update succinctly encapsulates the state of progress for October. The Revest Team further lays out their plans for expansion of the Protocol in the Revest Road Map, solidifying an understanding that the Revest Community will not be simply left to fend for themselves. Staking system upgrades are a further hallmark of October, with multiple refinements in the UI/UX introduced during this month as well.


The Revest Protocol rounds out its strategy of targeting launchpads with the announcement of a partnership with Ferrum Network, designed to funnel interested parties towards vesting their tokens with Revest. The Revest Team follows up on this bevy of partnerships by pivoting to expand access to the Revest Protocol and angles by which additional income streams may be accessed. Revest launches, on quick succession, on Polygon, Fantom, and Avalanche, with Fantom in particular becoming a natural fit for the NFT-focus of Revest. An ambassador program is also assembled, quietly bearing fruit that only begins to be realized in…


The Revest Team grows! Bringing on several new faces to assist with developmental expansion, the Revest Team pivots again to building out the promised new product lines of the Revest Protocol. While many of these remain slated for release in early-mid January, Trusts, a long-awaited feature of the Revest Protocol, are launched. Business development continues quietly in the background, with partnerships being announced with Exodia and milestoneBased.


Well, that brings us nicely up to the present day. It has been an absolutely monumental year for the Revest Protocol and the Revest Team. We have a rapid slate of developments planned for next year, some of which I am able to speak about now, and some of which must wait until other partners are ready to announce. The ones I can speak of —

  • We’ve had a lot of interest in our staking system as of late. This offers some interesting possibilities, which we are actively exploring.
  • The long-discussed, long-awaited NFT locker is nearing completion. While QA testing remains, much of the functional system is now in place. Expect this one in early January
  • A variety of partners and plans in motion that will likely lead to revenue switching from simply RVST to a combination of RVST+ETH around late January.
  • UIs to simplify the process of creating the variety of tools possible with the core Revest contracts and FNFTs

And several more that I cannot, but that I am just as, if not more, excited about. It’s been fantastic working with yall this year, and the Revest Team cannot wait to explore all the possibilities for FNFTs that 2022 is sure to offer. Here’s to you, and Happy New Year!



Revest Finance

The world's first platform to offer instant liquidity for locked assets.