Revest Protocol Announces 1 Year Roadmap

Revest Finance
5 min readOct 4, 2021


Revest One Year Roadmap

The mission of Revest Finance:

Revest Finance proposes to solve one of the fundamental problems of Decentralized Finance (DeFi): that non-fungible positions, the most numerous positions throughout all of finance, are not adequately represented by the fungible tokens so commonly in-use within the industry. Use of fungible ERC20 tokens to represent non-fungible positions presents the problem that values which should lie on a continuum are instead discretized into a small set of available choices. By utilizing the ERC1155 non-fungible token standard, Revest Finance seeks to tokenize non-fungible financial positions with non-fungible tokens to provide a far more elegant solution to this problem than currently exists.

To accomplish this, Revest Finance has introduced the world to the Revest Protocol, a system deployed on the Ethereum blockchain to allow for the easy tokenization and locking of underlying value within ERC-1155s. While the initial application of the Revest Protocol is directed at vesting solutions for team tokens, liquidity tokens, and early-supporter tokens, the high degree of composability offered by the standard easily lends itself to more advanced operations and structures.

To this end, Revest Finance and the Revest team are proud to introduce the Revest Protocol 1 Year Roadmap today.

Q4 2021

Early Focus: Post-Launch Wrapup

Initially, the focus of the Revest team will remain on education, documentation, and a variety of interface upgrades designed to improve the user flows of our web-app. An explanation of all features present in the Revest app will be presented to the public, and

To speed adoption and understanding of the protocol, we will be researching and executing an educational campaign, both to improve the knowledge of new users and generate further interest in the protocol. This will include tutorials aimed at casual users, developers, and potential partners alike.

Later Focus: Token Locking and Growth

The latter portion of Q4 2021 will be dedicated to growing usage of the Revest Protocol in our initial market niche of vesting. To this end, we will continue to seek out and develop collaborations with launch pad and incubator infrastructure from which our product may be easily introduced to teams at the point when their need for it is greatest.

To further demonstrate the flexibility of the Revest Protocol and expand its presence in the DeFi space, continued development of core partnerships will be pursued and existing partnerships brought to fruition. Integrations with common portfolio management apps will instantly allow users of those apps to check if the liquidity tokens for a token they are holding are locked within Revest FNFTs.

Demonstrations of the flexibility of the output receiver system will be highlighted during this period to give Revest users and the wider DeFi community a sense of how versatile Revest truly is. The locking of legacy NFTs within the Revest Smart Vault is a planned expansion that will utilize this feature-set.

The ability to migrate existing locks from legacy platforms will be introduced during this period, beginning with Unicrypt locks, which the Revest Protocol will enable the fractionalization of.

Finally, improvements to the user-experience will be pursued, with the first desired goal being to develop a better presets system for address locks and to encourage additional community-sourced content for this system.

During this period, extensive research into L2 solutions will also be undertaken.

Q1 2022

Token Locking + Growth and Luxury Features

Following on from Q4 2021, the Revest Protocol will seek to solidify control of the vesting niche. This will take the form of higher-complexity locking mechanisms and the ability to migrate legacy locks from TrustSwap, among other initiatives that will be developed as the landscape unfolds.

A luxury feature that will be pursued during this period is the development of on-chain metadata tools, similar to those provisioned by Uniswap V3. While not strictly necessary, Revest Finance feels that getting as much of our infrastructure on-chain as possible is a worthy pursuit.

Early Investment and Derivative Focus

Revest will seek to begin rollout of its investment and derivative focused toolsets during this period. Initially released as demonstrations of the flexibility of the Revest Protocol, these toolsets will be integrated into the new Revest Investment Suite of tools. This suite will offer a wide variety of derivative structures, with more sourced from within the community as development proceeds. By the end of Q1 2022, the following features are planned to be present within Revest:

  • Covered Options: both Calls and Puts
  • Splitting of Interest and Principal on investment tokens (yTokens, aTokens, etc.)
  • Easy packaging and lock-up of interest bearing FNFTs

Also within this period, to better offset the gas costs of this new suite of features, Revest will seek to launch on at least one L2 solution. Fees generated on this L2 will be ported back to L1 for distribution to Revest stakers.

Q2 2022

Prime Investment and Derivative Focus

During this period, Revest will seek to solidify and consolidate its presence in the derivatives and investment spaces of DeFi. Beginning with the transition into a DAO structure, Revest will empower all stakers with governance rights and begin the transition to a fully-decentralized protocol.

Partnerships at this point in the vesting space will be firmly solidified and the wide-variety of address locks available will lead to infinite possibilities for locking tokens being available to teams without having to write their value-storage solution.

Through new integrations with existing derivatives trading platforms, Revest will seek to take advantage of existing mechanics, offering a plug-in adapter solution to these older and more established protocols for bridging into the newly non-fungible DeFi space.

As a further demonstration of the flexibility of the Revest Protocol, Revest will introduce futures-like structures to the Investment Suite. This will further serve to inspire interesting new directions of development with what FNFTs are capable of. Additional derivative structures will also be sought during this time period, either community-sourced or team-driven.

As a luxury feature, an address lock workspace similar to JS-Fiddle or Code-Sandbox will be developed to aid Revest community devs in testing their creations prior to live-deployment.

Q3 2022

During this time period, Revest will continue to consolidate itself within the derivatives and investments space of DeFi. It will begin branching out into novel markets by introducing an escrow toolset for value transfers between individuals or groups, offering the first taste of what might turn into a treasury-management thrust in the future.

Revest will also seek to simplify the loaning of its own FNFTs to other users via a novel “rubber-band” mechanic.


Beyond Q3 2022, Revest expects to have become a DeFi staple. From here, we have further plans. These plans will be shared when the time is right, but in the meantime, we look forward to riding out the first year of our operation with the fantastic community we have built. Welcome to Revest, now let’s fix DeFi.



Revest Finance

The world's first platform to offer instant liquidity for locked assets.